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Guess-The-Price is a webpage created by me and my team. It is an online game where users are displayed with the name and image of some product/item, and the users have to guess the price of that product/item.

Steps to play the game

Note: Make sure you have a static internet connection.

Step 1. Open the Login page. Recommended browser -> Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
Step 2. In the Login page, go to register section by clicking the register button, if this is the first time you are playing. Fill the boxes, agree the T&C and register to our site. After clicking register, Wait for a few seconds for it to reload.
Step 3. Now after successfull registeration, you can now use your login details to log into the site. Wait for a few seconds for it to load the home page.
Step 4. In the Home page, you can start the game by clicking the “start a new game” button.
Step 5. 5 questions will be shown to you one by one and you have to answer/guess the price for each item.
Step 6. Finally, the total points earned by you will be displayed at the top and also, the score earned for each question in a graphical way.
Step 7. There is also a “add item” button at the bottom for developers to add the items directly to the firebase.
Step 8. Now there is a “retry” button which when clicked lets you play one more time. or you can log out by clicking the “logout” at the top right.
Step 9. Thank you page is displayed. Yaay!

Home Page

Login Page

Register Page



Thank You Page